Intern for Communications and Development


The Northeast-Midwest Institute seeks a Fall 2024 Intern for Communications and Development, starting in September 2024, to assist the President and Great Lakes Program Manager with communications and development activities.  The internship may be virtual, in-person, or hybrid, depending on the intern’s preference.


The Northeast-Midwest Institute is seeking to strengthen and expand existing programmatic work – focused on environmental quality, economic vitality, and regional equity for the 18 states of the northeast and midwest – and also to develop and launch new programmatic directions – including policy areas relating to infrastructure, water quality and waterways, governmental reform, and policy education. A robust communications program is critical to this effort, including an effective web presence, social media, and regular communications regarding Institute activities.  New resources also are critical in order to fund the Institute’s work, and an expanded development program is underway to meet these resource needs.  A particular focus is on foundation support, including introducing the Institute to the foundation community, identifying parallels with their philanthropic priorities, and submitting proposals for support, as well as an effort to approach selected corporate funders and governmental sources. Also being launched is an individual giving program, including a constituent contact database. The Northeast-Midwest Institute is located in downtown D.C. at 1701 Rhode Island Avenue, Office 4-102, Washington, D.C. 20036.

Possible Responsibilities

  • Assist in writing and arranging the Institute’s weekly electronic newsletters.
  • Assist in maintaining and developing the Institute’s web page.
  • Develop and write communications materials that present the work and impact of the Institute, both for the web page and for media relations.
  • Develop and implement social media strategies to communicate Institute work.
  • Maintain the Institute’s individual contact database for communications.
  • Prepare and electronically send announcements for Capitol Hill policy briefings.
  • Assist with attendee registration and logistics for Capitol Hill policy briefings.
  • Develop foundation prospect lists related to specific funding priorities.
  • Prepare research reports on selected foundation and corporate funders.

Internship Program

Institute internships are unpaid; academic course credit is available in accordance with university policy.

To Apply

Submit an introductory cover letter or email accompanied by a resume to Dr. Michael J. Goff, President and CEO, Northeast-Midwest Institute, at